4 questions to Thierry Decarrière, setec opency CEO

What are the key issues for the setec opency’s contractors  ?

Thierry Decarrière, Managing Director

Over the last ten years, our contractors have been faced with an increased complexity of their projects, with a growing number in the actors, some more significant needs to controle the costs and deadlines, the whole in a constrained environment.


Therefore, setec opency have choosen to concentrate some efforts upon the most complex projects because it is upon the large-scale ones that our added value is best expressed.

How would you describe this added value ?

The added value has two meanings:

It is our very early intervention upon the projects which gives us a great capacity of anticipation and also our independence which guarantees our freedom in our action. We make it a point of honour to intervene from the pre-project with a careful analysis of the project’s constraints and interfaces in order to stay one step ahead in the implementation phase. In the same way, our independence is the guarantee for our contractors to have an objective vision in the progress of the project, and to fully assume our role as a site manager.


What are setec opency’s strenghts to hold its commitments ?

The setec opency’s strength lies in its own employees. They have a perfect understanding of the issues on a site, and they have a solid technical background. The pugnacity is also an essential quality of our teams. Upon the sites, we have a go-between role that requires an unfailing commitment. Finally, our membership to the setec group gives us a considerable strength and allows us to look far ahead.


What are your ambitions for setec opency in the future ?

One of our priorities is to head for the international market, by fully assuming our role in the missions in which the setec group is positioned abroad. At the same time, we are working within the framework of our OPC 2.0 project to increase the use of digital methods and tools in our business lines in order that in the newt 5 years, 80% of our activities will incorporate these tools. Our ambition is to continue our growth  momentum while respecting our fundamentals in the excellence and large-scale projects.